Joint Decision Making

We believe that far greater productivity should be able to be achieved from existing government resources dedicated to Indigenous people in our region.

ISEC Joint Decision Making: Our way!

We believe that far greater productivity should be able to be achieved from existing government resources dedicated to Indigenous people in our region. As such we are working in a collaborative way with our partners in government to address the inefficiencies in government spend. Focusing initially on Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) funding.

  • A practical step in achieving one part of our empowerment agenda involves the government relinquishing some control over funding decisions, enabling community to have a greater say in where the money goes. To support us achieve this, the Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion has committed to:
    • Provide community with a 75% weighting on decisions about IAS specific funding; and
    • Transition all funding in the Indigenous Advancement Strategy to Aboriginal Controlled Organisations

Community Panels are the first step in our Joint Decision Making process with government. Non-Indigenous service providers receiving Indigenous specific money through IAS will be reviewed through this process. Community members sitting on the panel will assess these organisations against a set of community led principles of empowerment. Themed tables will review the different IAS project areas.

There are 2 Community Panels and 6 delegates sit on each panel with equal representation from the Redfern and La Perouse communities.

Expression of Interest

Community panel dates will be notified via the Redfern Aboriginal Communities Alliance and La Perouse Aboriginal Alliance. An Expression of Interest can be made through the secretaries of the local tables.