Our objectives

We have identified eight objectives that emerge from our vision for our communities in the Inner Sydney region

Parents support Education

Parents are supported to be involved in their kids’ education and maintain routines for kids to go to school every day. Schools are welcoming places that provide high-quality education.

Safe Supportive Community

We have a safe, capable and supportive community where our culture is practised and maintained through dancing, singing, language and sharing of knowledge and kinship.

Capable Adults

Capable adults participate in either training or work.

Affordable Housing

Housing is affordable and safe, and individuals respect and care for their property and people are supported to achieve home ownership.


There is a respectful relationship between our community and the law.

Supported Elders

Elders are supported and cared for by our community.

Supported Young People

Our young people’s aspirations are supported.

Healthy Community

People in our community are healthy and have access to quality health care.